Victim or Victor?

27 September

Victim or Victor?

Stop victimizing yourself.

Stop giving the opinions of people who aren’t immediate to you, or for that matter, anyone, so much importance as to wreck your brain for ways to mend it. If something hasn’t actually happened to you, don’t make it about yourself.

Don’t make a big deal of little situations. If someone hasn’t said something directly to you, don’t think about it too much. Do not think or feel like you’re being attacked all the time, in every situation, even if that isn’t the case. And most importantly, don’t attract attention of people just because you want to feel special and nice, be what you are, be who you are.

Work on yourself, improve those flaws of yours that you find are flaws, not what people find as flaws. Don’t try to be something or someone you’re not only because people like that kind of a person.

Stop getting into situations you’re not part of, and if you do, stop trying to act as if you’re not at fault at all because you are. Stop trying to act as if you’re the only one with issues. Everyone has issues, and issues come and go. How long till you realise that and live life in the moment, rather than worrying about the future or stressing about problems that are eventually going to be vanished soon?

Realise that situations you are in, or have been in are what frame you and prepare you for what is going to come in the future- the future you’re so worried about. How much time are you going to spend worrying about something you don’t know when you can enjoy the limited amount of time you have in life?

Start accepting mistakes and apologizing for them, keep your ego aside and let go of grudges and people who are toxic. Just be genuinely nice for yourself, do what you want, but don’t blame anyone else for the consequences.

You are who you are, you can work on yourself, but just be who you are at the moment. Stop being a fucking person in distress and start living life. No one is saying anything bad to you intentionally, don’t take all that is said to heart. You’re not a damsel in distress, you’re the ruler of your own life.

You have the control of your life, don’t give it to surrounding people or situations. Only you have power over yourself, don’t let anyone have it.