Holistic Transformation

What is Holistic Transformation?

Holistic Transformation is a thought-provoking process coupled with experience-oriented, transformative learning.

It is based on the premise that when you come to know, embrace and express all aspects of your whole self, you are positioned to thrive in any aspect of life. You become rich in resources, grounded in your being, and at peace within.

Can you imagine a more empowering state to initiate change? Neither can we.

This approach enables you to step into your wholeness, confident and self-certain in who you are. As a result, you develop the capacity to be fully self-innovative which serves you for the rest of your life to be highly effective in any aspect of their life.

The Whole Person
This methodology will allow you to easily and reliably step into your greatest potential, with results that are exponential. This enables you to pursue life fulfilment, success, balance, harmony and vitality.

Through Holistic Transformation, the cognitive potential of your mind gets integrated with the inner knowing of your body. This approach is based on the philosophy that people are best able to achieve their soul’s purpose when they live a holistically balanced life that suits their individuality.

What are the Scientific and Psychological Roots of Holistic Transformation?
The Holistic Transformation method and tools provide you with insight drawn from the wisdom and best practices of multiple disciplines:

  • Positive Psychology – The study of specific strengths and virtues that lead to success for individuals and organizations.
  • Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP) – The study of human excellence through the development of an individual’s competence and adaptability.
  • Emotional Intelligence (EI) – The ability of an individual to leverage available emotional information to guide their thinking and subsequent behaviour.
  • Whole Person Learning – A form of transformative learning that enables an individual to incorporate all aspects of their persona (intellectual, social, emotional, physical, spiritual) by viewing them in context with the world around them.
  • Archetypal Psychology – The use of psychology to see, image, and envision what it means to be human by accessing the deepest patterns of self, often referred to as “soul.”

Holistic Transformation

  • Focuses on what is possible, creating change by expanding perspectives and possibilities, and by leveraging your natural strengths and resources.
  • Builds upon your unique learning capacity and engages their whole mind through intellectual, somatic-emotional, and relational knowing.
  • Relies on experience to facilitate learning, accelerating goal-achievement by using an active, learning-in-action process. Each step builds upon the previous one with attention to maximizing output and learning.
  • Invites you to be more self-aware and to self-analyze and transform limiting habits and beliefs on your own terms.
  • Recognizes the interrelatedness of all aspects of life (relationships, career, nuances, health and well-being, among others).
  • Provides tools applicable toward a lifetime of success, helping you achieve desired outcomes in every aspect of life.

Holistic Transformation is a profound system for managing complexity and the unpredictably of life. It instils the confidence and capacity to surf life’s turbulent waters and face sudden change, as well as the unknowable.

Bring Your Whole Self to Life