Can you define love?

30 July

Can you define love?

Can you define love?

And then…. Love decided to give her the cure….for the love that was pain…..


Sometimes, when we get stuck with one meaning of love, and start defining love from one perspective, the energy that love is, decides to shift…..for love energy is aligned with the energy of the Universe and that of all it’s particles… Of you and of me…and this energy then exudes itself at a different frequency, a frequency that we have never felt before…. For love doesn’t accept to be defined . Defining love confuses it’s very purpose. So, pain which was an outcome of Love, shifts to a sense of soothing, calming,serene feeling, which puts to rest all the pain that we have been clinging to…..

And yet again, when the calmness becomes a routine, love revolts, to be the storm….and destroys all the prior formed opinions about her and bust all the definitions of him…

Love is all that is, all that is beyond, all that is conscious and all that is the unknown. Love is not a definition yet a representation…a significance…a gesture….a way…an expression…… Simply being….. It is a space…an infinite space, the existence, death and the continuity…………